Indiecinema Film Festival 2022: selections ended

Table of Contents

The films in competition have already been announced and the jury of the second edition of the Indiecinema Film Festival, scheduled for mid-May

In the climate of uncertainty that still reigns in Italy (and in Europe), the staff of Indiecinema Film Festival took a little more of time, before announcing the contents of a highly anticipated second edition, which will take place in May both on the Indiecinema and through live events, presumably in spaces located between Rome and Ostia.

There will also be news this year: above all the creation of a small section, dedicated to animation and video clips, the idea of ​​which was born from the arrival in the selection of some excellent works, related precisely to these expressive forms. And then eyes on blog , which has grown a lot in recent months and is expected to host more critical contributions and author interviews. Instead, the Award for the Best Soundtrack dedicated to the memory of Maurizio Principato, a tribute to which both Stefano Coccia as Artistic Director and the Scientific Committee of the film event conceived by Fabio Del Greco (a Scientific Committee formed, as well as by the Vice-director Fabrizio Croce, by very attentive insiders such as Emanuele Di Nicola, Michela Aloisi, Nadia Zavarova and Federico Mattioni) continue to look with deep respect.

The jury of the Indiecinema Film Festival 2022

The very high quality of the Jury of professionals, in charge of examining the various competitions (Fiction Feature Films, Documentaries, Short Films plus the new section “Animation & Videoclip ), which this year sees a talented filmmaker, Deborah Farina, in the role of President of the Jury, whose documentary “Osannaples” is enjoying enormous success among lovers of Italian prog.

To complete the jury the acclaimed critic and essayist Alessio Gradogna (these are his books such as “The damned and the heroes. The cinema of Guillermo Del Toro” and “Tokyo syndrome. Japanese horror“, written jointly with Fabio Tasso) , the beloved actress Elisabetta Cavallotti (“Graduates“, “Look” and “Bad inclinations“, among her best-known interpretations), the author and theatrical interpreter Elio Crifò (her show “EsotericArte” also saw the participation of characters of the caliber of Sgarbi and Odifreddi) and finally, last but not least, the journalist and film director Lucilla Colonna, to whom we owe the historical feature film “Festina Lente“, highly awarded in indie circuits US and Spanish

The selection of the Indiecinema Film Festival 2022

But let’s now come to the titles that in 2022 make up the international competition, divided for the first time into four sections:


Carmen Vidal, Female Detective by Eva Dans (Uruguay)

circle of snails Michele’sSenesi (Italy)

Vincenzo the Lucanian shepherd by Emanuele Di Leo (Italy)

Il Metodo Orfeo by Filippo Sozzi (Italy)

Kung Fu Girl by Kenny Gage and Devon Downs (China)

Emily or Oscar by Chris M. Allport (USA)

The Korean from Seoul by Steven Paul Whatmough (Australia)


Happy by Ivan Rodin (Russia)

Piigs by Federico Greco, Mirko Melchiorre and Adriano Cutraro (Italy)

The area by Paolo Maggi (Italy)

Uromastyx Maliensis by Antonio Pintus, Elia Romanelli and Lanfranco Secco Suardo ( Italy)

Mrs. Matilde by Marco Melluso and Diego Schiavo (Italy)

Be ready – The Keys of Pope Celestino V by Luke Anthon and Giuseppe Tandoi (Italy)

Son Tango by Leonel Fernando Capitano and Juan Pablo Tabbita (Argentina)

Wedding 93 by Paul Zagaris (USA)

Sokolova by Darya Evgeniivna Tkachenko (Ukraine)


Into the Realm of the Night by Patrick Müller (Germany)

Bill Murray Lost in Berlinale by Ana Trkulja (Germany)

Just Like Water by Manos Triantafillakis (Greece)

Sweet Mary, Did you go? by Michael Anthony Kratochvil (Australia)

Travel and gravel by Andrea Colbacchini (Italy)

Metamorphosis by Stefano Zait Oliva (Italy)

Monstre – Nightmares worth more than money by Valerio Graglia (Italy)

Anna di Vincenzo Palazzo (Italy)

Pale Blue Dot: A Tale of Two Stargazers by Matteo Scarfò (Italy)

Go! Captaine by Pierre-Loup Docteur (France)

The Siege 2 by Mark Lakatos (Hungary)

Tunnel by Akın Güngör (Turkey)

Ant and the Human by Cevahir Çokbilir (Turkey)

But Happy by Anatolii Umanets (Ukraine)

Take the Vax by Edsta (USA )

Hope by Alicia Maksimova (Great Britain)

Becoming The Queen of the North by Aziz Altamimi (Great Britain)


Flamboyant by Aviv Kegen (Israel)

Gaslighted by Mayuri (USA)

October Eleventh by Damian Gonzalez, Jeremy Weinstein (USA)

Justin and the Werloobee by Ken Yoffe & Ellen Weisberg, John Vo (USA)

There is exactly enough time by Oskar Salomonowitz (Austria)

Early Birds by Cole Stevenson (Canada)


is difficult to summarize the richness and variety of the Competition. Many, of course, are the independent Italian productions landed in the various sections. But also the extremely varied geographical composition stands out: Argentina, Uruguay, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Israel, Turkey, Great Britain, Hungary, Greece, France and Germany and Austria. But in these difficult days for European equilibrium, we also like to point out the simultaneous presence of two Ukrainian productions and two other films made by Russian film-makers, although one is of British production. As if to say that where politics often divides, cinema and culture still have the task of uniting.

Stefano Coccia           

Picture of Fabio Del Greco

Fabio Del Greco

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