Indiecinema is the streaming channel dedicated to independent, arthouse, cult, masterpieces of film history and rare alternative films with a vision of personal growth. A journey to discover new independent films and avant-garde cinema. A journey through the history of cinema, from early masterpieces and silent films you can’t find on commercial streaming platforms to lesser-known cult films from faraway countries you may never have heard of. In the blog you’ll find hundreds of articles on every genre and subgenre of must-see films, directors, film culture, the avant-garde, as well as insights for reflection and personal growth beyond entertainment and cinema, starting with the thematic cores of individual films.


Indiecinema is the brainchild of director Fabio Del Greco, developed together with a group of other filmmakers working in the field of independent and art cinema. After a few years of distributing independent films in the same circuits as “official” cinema, theaters and popular streaming platforms, Del Greco realized that audiences, regardless of the quality of the work, did not consider watching independent films at all, except in a very small percentage. This depended on a number of factors including the lack of advertising, the participation of television networks in the production of the film, and more.

Streaming’s promise of free access to a potentially unlimited audience also turned out to be a badly told story: mainstream streaming platforms recreated the same mechanisms of marginalization of independent and art film in the same way as multiplexes serving large global studios. Distributing an independent and art film without large advertising budgets on these platforms was equivalent to setting sail with a small boat to cross the ocean: no one will find it in the tide of content organized with “mall” logic.

There was a need for a different “place” where this type of film could be enjoyed, with the logic of cineclubs and arthouse cinemas now extinct. An arthouse cinema different from those surviving today in big cities. An arthouse cinema that was not dedicated exclusively to the distribution of award-winning films at major festivals, or of the usual directors and authors who operate in the “fake” politicized cultural elite within the system. There was a need for an authentic cineclub like those that existed a few decades ago willing to give visibility to an alternative, different cinema, free from propaganda, open to experimentation. A platform where new independent films could be given distribution possibilities, and new visibility to cult films and rare classics, forgotten masterpieces of art in film history, films from faraway countries and different cultures.


On Indiecinema you can watch hundreds of movies with one subscription. A constantly growing catalog with new releases every week. If you do not want to get lost in the anonymous supermarkets of commercial platforms, spend an hour to choose a film in a hodgepodge of proposals that includes everything, Indiecinema is the channel for you. Only selected films for lovers of indie cinema.

Technology is advancing at astonishing speeds and changing the game in the world of cinema as well: what until yesterday was an impossible feat requiring large means of production can now be accomplished at very low cost by filmmakers and small producers. Today there can be a new vanguard free from the shackles of industrial cinema. The dream of hundreds of filmmakers who resented the system in which they worked is coming true: cinema is becoming a free art.

Independent films have a totally different logic of production from the system in which the film world now seems imprisoned. On Indiecinema you find films that prefer a new and out-of-the-box language, that seek new modes of expression, rather than small productions that imitate the big studios in a clumsy way.

If you are looking for the new releases that everyone is talking about, if you are looking for the film awarded by the “official” cultural elite at the last prestigious festival, if you love mainstream productions, well, you can already find all this elsewhere. On Indiecinema you find rare, alternative, classic and cult forgotten films, proposals of new independent cinema that have not found distribution in the official circuit.

Have you ever suffered from film bulimia, from binge watching syndrome? Of watching even very good movies but forgetting about them soon after, without grasping their deeper meaning? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one: it’s the typical consumerism of our age that also extends to movie watching. Binge watching is a real drug, with its deleterious side effects. On Indiecinema, on the other hand, we recommend Sip Watching, the thrifty but valuable watching, the kind that manages to leave you with something even after the movie.