Fantastic Voyage

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“Fantastic Voyage” it’s a science fiction film of 1966, directed by Richard Fleischer. The film tells the story of a crew of scientists who shrink down to miniature size and are injected into a man’s body to destroy a blood clot in his brain.

The cast of the film includes Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmond O’Brien, Donald Pleasence, Arthur Kennedy and other well-known actors of the time.

The film was a huge commercial success and won two Academy Awards, for special effects and for best editing. It has also been considered an important forerunner of the science fiction film genre of the 1960s.

The film’s plot was inspired by a 1940 short story by Isaac Asimov, titled “Fantastic Voyage”. The film is known for its impressive special effects and original storyline, which has inspired many other films and science fiction works over the years.

“Fantastic Voyage” is still considered a classic of the genre today and a movies to watch for science fiction lovers.




The plot of “Fantastic Voyagerevolves around a crew of scientists who shrink into miniature thanks to a new technology, called Proteus, that allows travel inside the human body. The goal of the mission is to inject themselves into the body of a fellow scientist, the Dr. Jan Benes, who has suffered a severe head injury and needs a complicated surgery to remove a blood clot in his brain.

The crew are injected into Benes’ body via a syringe, but encounter various difficulties along the way, such as the body’s immune system trying to attack them, and various dangers such as a white blood cell attack, a gunshot wound, and a cave of crystals that threaten to break the Proteus. Also, a crew member, Dr. Michaels, is revealed to be an enemy agent trying to sabotage the mission.

The crew manages to get to Dr. Benes’ brain and destroy the blood clot, but find that he now only has an hour to exit his body before the miniature Proteus shrinks back to its normal size, threatening to kill Benes.

The plot of “Fantastic Voyageis a combination of adventure, suspense and science fiction, which captured the public imagination in the 60s and continues to be enjoyed by fans of the genre.

Movie Characters


Here are the main characters of the film “Fantastic Voyage”:

Grant (played by Stephen Boyd): An American secret agent tasked with protecting the Proteus mission. Grant is the leader of the team and the only crew member who isn’t a doctor or scientist.

Cora Peterson (played by Raquel Welch): A charming young medical technician who joins the crew as a cardiology specialist.

Duval (played by Arthur Kennedy): The pilot of the Proteus and an expert diver.

Dr. Michaels (played by Donald Pleasence): A crew member who is eventually revealed to be an enemy agent trying to sabotage the mission.

Dr. Peter Duval (portrayed by Arthur O’Connell): A doctor trained in neurosurgery who is recruited for the Proteus mission.

Jan Benes (played by Jean Del Val): A famous Soviet scientist who has been seriously injured and who needs a complex surgery to save his life.

General Carter (played by Edmond O’Brien): The head of the secret agency coordinating the Proteus mission.

These characters interact with each other during the Proteus mission, creating tension, intrigue and adventure throughout the film.




The film “Fantastic Voyagewas produced by 20th Century Fox and directed by Richard Fleischer. The screenplay was written by Harry Kleiner, based on a short story by Isaac Asimov. The film was produced on a budget of approximately $5 million.

The film’s production process was particularly complex and demanding, as the special effects and miniaturization scenes were created with cutting-edge techniques for the time. Actors, for example, were filmed close-up, while miniaturization scenes were shot separately and then stitched together in post-production.

To create the film’s special effects, several scale models of the Proteus, the miniaturized spacecraft used by the crew, were used. Furthermore, slow camera shots and forced perspective techniques were used to create the illusion of miniaturization of the actors.

The film was shot primarily at 20th Century Fox studios in Hollywood, with some exterior filming done in San Francisco and near Niagara Falls.

The film was released in American theaters in 1966 and was a great commercial and critical success, winning two Academy Awards for special effects and editing. Today, “Fantastic Voyage” is considered a science fiction classic and a milestone in the history of special effects in cinema.

Distribution and Reception

The film “Fantastic Voyage” was released in US cinemas on August 24, 1966, while in Italy it was released on November 18 of the same year. The film was a great commercial success, grossing over $12 million in the United States alone.

The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the innovative special effects and gripping storyline. In particular, the actors’ performance was lauded, as was Leonard Rosenman’s score.

“Fantastic Voyagereceived five Academy Award nominations in 1967, winning two awards: Best Visual Effects and Best Editing. The film was also nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Cinematography.

Today, “Fantastic Voyage” is considered a science fiction classic and one of the most influential films of the films history. It has inspired numerous other films and television series as well as much scientific research into the possibilities of human miniaturization.


The film “Fantastic Voyage” is a science fiction work that uses futuristic technology for its plot. Its style is very unique and innovative for the time, using innovative special effects and advanced shooting techniques.

One of the most important aspects of the film is the use of human miniaturization, which allows the crew to travel inside the human body. This futuristic technology allows audiences to experience a new and enthralling world as they immerse themselves in a fantastical journey through the human body.

The film was shot with great attention to detail, carefully recreating the insides of the human body and using scale models to depict the Proteus. Furthermore, the film makes use of an engaging soundtrack and careful direction, which makes the most of the available technical possibilities.

The film represents a true masterpiece of science fiction cinema, with an original plot, well-developed characters and an innovative approach to shooting techniques and special effects.




The director of “Fantastic Voyage” is Richard Fleischer, one of the most versatile and prolific directors in the history of American cinema. Born in Brooklyn in 1916, Fleischer directed a wide variety of films during his career, spanning genres as diverse as science fiction, horror, he black e he documentary.

before directing”Fantastic Voyage”, Fleischer had already directed several successful films, including “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” (1954), “Journey to the Center of the Earth” (1959) and “The Phantom of the Opera” (1962).

Fleischer has been tapped to direct”Fantastic Voyage” for his experience directing science fiction films and his ability to work with advanced special effects. Fleischer directed the film with great skill, making the most of the possibilities offered by the technology of the time to create an engaging and innovative storyline.

Thanks to his work on “Fantastic VoyageFleischer went on to become one of the most influential filmmakers of his generation, with a career that spanned over 40 years. Fleischer died in 2006, but his work continues to inspire filmmakers and film aficionados around the world.

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