Mr. Arkadin

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“Mr. Arkadin” it’s a thriller film of 1955 directed by Orson Welles, who also wrote the screenplay and played the lead role. The film is also known under the title “Confidential Report”. It’s a thriller noir which mixes elements of mystery and intrigue.

The plot of “Mr. Arkadinrevolves around an American billionaire, Gregory Arkadin (played by Orson Welles), who tries to uncover his own dark past. Arkadin suffers from amnesia and remembers nothing about his life before a certain point. He hires a private investigator, Guy Van Stratti (played by Robert Arden), to investigate his personal history and discover the truth about his identity.

The story takes place in different European countries and through flashbacks, testimonies and interviews with various characters, the film presents us with different versions of Arkadin’s life. Each character has a different story to tell and Arkadin struggles to piece together the puzzle of his life.

As Van Stratti continues his investigation, he realizes that Arkadin is a very dangerous man and that there is much more to his wealth and power. The story unfolds through a series of betrayals, intrigues and shocking revelations as Van Stratti tries to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Mr. Arkadin.

“Mr. Arkadin” has been considered one of Orson Welles’ most complex and ambitious works. The film was shot in various locations in Europe, with an international cast and a limited budget. Despite the production difficulties, the film has a strong noir atmosphere and offers an intriguing and engaging narrative.

“Mr. Arkadin” has been the subject of several versions and edits over the years, due to studio interference and distribution problems. There are several versions of the film, each with a slightly different narrative structure and length. The best known version is the ” Corinth Version” of 1962.

Despite the controversies surrounding its production,”Mr. Arkadin” is considered an interesting film in Orson Welles’ filmography and offers a unique look into his skills as a director and actor. If you are a fan of noir thrillers and Welles’ cinema, you may find “Mr. Arkadin” a fascinating work to discover.




The plot of “Mr. Arkadinrevolves around Gregory Arkadin, an American billionaire who suffers from amnesia and tries to uncover his dark past. Arkadin hires private investigator Guy Van Stratti to investigate his personal history and uncover the truth about his identity.

The story unfolds through flashbacks, testimonies and interviews with various characters who have played a part in Arkadin’s life. Each character has a different version of their story to tell, and Van Stratti tries to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

As Van Stratti continues his investigation, he realizes that Arkadin is a dangerous man and that there is much more to his wealth and power. Arkadin seems to be involved in shady deals and has a past connected with crimes and secrets.

The film unfolds through a series of betrayals, intrigues and shocking revelations. Van Stratti finds himself embroiled in dangerous situations and is challenged to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Mr. Arkadin. During his journey, Van Stratti comes across mysterious and suspicious characters, each with their own agenda and secrets to hide.

Arkadin’s story is told in a non-linear way, with time jumps and different perspectives, creating a sense of mystery and suspense. The film explores themes of identity, corruption and power, as Arkadin tries to piece together his past and Van Stratti strives to uncover the hidden truth.

Throughout the storyline, the film features a number of European settings, creating an atmosphere of international intrigue. The story concludes with startling revelations and a final confrontation between Arkadin and Van Stratti, which leads to a shocking conclusion.

“Mr. Arkadin” is a complex and suspenseful thriller that highlights the skills of Orson Welles as a director and storyteller. The gripping plot and noir atmosphere make the film a fascinating work for lovers of the genre.

Movie Characters


Here are some of the main characters of the film “Mr. Arkadin”:

Gregory Arkadin (played by Orson Welles): The film’s protagonist, an amnesiac American billionaire. Arkadin hires detective Van Stratti to uncover the truth about his dark past.

Guy Van Stratti (played by Robert Arden): The private investigator who is hired by Arkadin. He is charged with investigating Arkadin’s life and discovering the truth about his identity. As he gets deeper into the investigation, Van Stratti finds himself embroiled in dangerous situations.

Mily (portrayed by Paola Mori): A mysterious woman involved in Arkadin’s life. Mily has a complicated relationship with Arkadin and seems to be hiding secrets.

Raina Arkadin (portrayed by Patricia Medina): Arkadin’s wife. Raina is a charming and seductive woman, but also an accomplice in some of Arkadin’s shady dealings.

Jakob Zouk (portrayed by Michael Redgrave): A former colleague of Arkadin who has crucial information about his past. Zouk is an enigmatic and ambiguous character.

Bracco (played by Akim Tamiroff): An arms dealer who had dealings with Arkadin in the past. Bracco is a suspicious and ambiguous character.

These are just some of the key characters featured in “Mr. Arkadin”. The film is known for its complex plot and for the presence of numerous characters with different stories and motivations, which contribute to the atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.




The production of the film “Mr. Arkadinwas quite complex and troubled. Here are some highlights about the production of the film:

Project Origins: The Story of “Mr. Arkadin” began as a radio series called “The Lives of Harry Lime”, written and performed by Orson Welles. The character of Gregory Arkadin was introduced in one of the episodes of the series. Later, Welles decided to adapt the story for the big screen.

Limited Budget: Due to financial difficulties, the film was made on a rather limited budget. This resulted in some restrictions in the production and editing of the film.

Shooting in Europe: The film was shot in a variety of locations in Europe, including Spain, France, Italy, Germany and the UK. Welles exploited the different European settings to create an international atmosphere and a sense of mystery.

Editing and Alternate Versions: During the production and distribution of the film, several alternate versions were created. Welles experimented with different narrative structures and made different cuts for the film. This caused some confusion and different versions of the film were released over the years.

Distribution Issues: After the film’s completion, Welles had difficulty finding suitable distribution for “Mr. ArkadinThe film was subject to interference from the studios and unwanted cuts. This affected the final presentation of the film and contributed to the confusion over the available versions.

Despite the challenges encountered during production and distribution, “Mr. Arkadinis considered an ambitious work by Orson Welles and offers an intriguing insight into his skills as director and storyteller. The film has been the subject of continued interest from cinephiles and enthusiasts of Welles’ work.

Distribution and Reception

The distribution and reception of “Mr. Arkadinwere quite complex and varied. Here is a breakdown of how the film was distributed and received:


After its realization, “Mr. Arkadinencountered difficulties in finding suitable distribution. Orson Welles had trouble negotiating with the studios and the film was subject to unwanted cuts and changes in the different versions released. This led to a number of alternate versions and some confusion between the public.

Initial reception:

When the film was initially released in 1955, it received a mixed response from critics and audiences. Some critics appreciated the film’s ambition and complexity, praising Welles’ skills as a director and storyteller. However, others criticized the confusing narrative structure and lack of plot cohesion.

Subsequent recognition:

Despite the initially mixed reaction,”Mr. Arkadinhas gained a cult following over the years. The film has been re-evaluated by critics and cinephiles, who have appreciated its uniqueness and visual style. Over time, it has been recognized as an important work in the filmography of Orson Welles.

Alternate versions:

Due to interference during production and distribution disputes, several alternate versions of “Mr. ArkadinThe best-known versions include the 1962 “Corinth Version” and the 2006 “Comprehensive Version”. These versions have differences in narrative structure, length, and plot details.

Cultural Influence:

Despite its troubled distribution,”Mr. Arkadinhad a lasting impact on film culture. The film influenced other filmmakers and helped define the style of film noir and psychological thriller. Additionally, the character of Gregory Arkadin has become an icon in Welles’ pantheon of characters.

Altogether,”Mr. Arkadinreceived an initially mixed response but has gained a cult following over the years. The film is recognized for its artistic ambition and Welles’ unique vision as a director. have fueled its reputation as an intriguing and fascinating film.


The style of “Mr. Arkadinis characterized by several distinctive characteristics that reflect the aesthetics and artistic influences of Orson Welles. Here are some aspects of the film’s style:

Photography and Lighting: The film uses black and white photography which creates a noir atmosphere and a sense of mystery. The scenes are often characterized by contrasts of light and shadow, creating a visually striking image.

Depth of Field: Welles makes extensive use of depth of field, allowing viewers to see both near and distant objects in a single shot. This technique helps create a feeling of depth and immersion in the world of the film.

Non-linear editing: “Mr. Arkadinfeatures a non-linear narrative structure, with flashbacks, interviews and eyewitness accounts intertwining the plot. This editing style helps create a sense of mystery and complexity.

Suggestive Dialogue: The dialogue in the film is often ambiguous and suggestive, leaving room for multiple interpretations. Welles uses words to create atmosphere and emphasize the ambiguity of the characters and their motivations.

Distorted perspectives: Welles uses unusual angles and distorted perspectives to create a sense of tension and underscore elements of suspicion and instability in the plot.

Use of Sound: The soundtrack and sound effects are used creatively to amplify the atmosphere of tension and mystery in the film. The music underscores key moments in the plot and helps create a feeling of suspense.

Overall, the style of “Mr. Arkadinis characterized by a combination of elements of film noir, arthouse cinema and the aesthetics of Orson Welles. The use of atmospheric photography, non-linear editing and evocative dialogues contribute to an intriguing and immersive cinematic experience.


Curiosities and Anecdotes

Here are some curiosities and interesting anecdotes about “Mr. Arkadin”:

Alternate Title: In some versions of the film, the title “Confidential Report” was used as an alternative to “Mr. Arkadin”.

Origin of the name “Arkadin”: The name of the protagonist, Gregory Arkadin, was inspired by the character Arkady Renko, protagonist of a series of novels written by Martin Cruz Smith.

Various versions of the film: Due to production interference and distribution disputes, various versions of the film were created. Each version has a slightly different narrative structure and length.

Orson Welles Multiple Roles: In addition to being the director and main performer of the film, Orson Welles also plays other minor characters throughout the story. This includes a bartender, a taxi driver and a friend of Arkadin.

Literary inspirations: Welles was inspired by several literary works for the creation of the film. These include the novel “One Thousand and One Nights” and the character of the Wizard of Oz.

Recovery of reels: In 1961, reels of film were discovered containing previously unseen scenes from “Mr. Arkadin” inside a water tank in Venice. These found scenes were later inserted into the version of the film known as the “Comprehensive Version”.

International collaborations: The film involved actors and cast members from different nationalities. This includes the participation of Italian actress Paola Mori, who was also Welles’ wife at the time.

Dedicated to Louis Dolivet: The film is dedicated to Louis Dolivet, an actor and friend of Welles who died shortly before filming began on “Mr. Arkadin”.

These curiosities and anecdotes offer an interesting look behind the scenes and on the peculiarities associated with the making of “Mr. Arkadin”. They reveal the creative approach and unique circumstances that influenced the film.


The director of “Mr. Arkadin” is Orson Welles, one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema. Welles was an American director, actor, screenwriter and film producer, known for his innovative and bold style.

Born May 6, 1915 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Welles made a significant impact in both theater and film. He is best known for his 1941 cinematic masterpiece ‘Citizen Kane’ which many consider to be one of the The best films of all time.

Welles was famous for his innovative filmmaking techniques, including the use of unusual angles, depth of field and non-linear editing. He often collaborated on the screenplays of his films and was involved in every aspect of the production.

Welles’ career was characterized by ambitious and innovative projects, but also by financial difficulties and interference from the studios. However, he continued to work independently, making such films as ‘The Magnificent Ambersons’ (1942), ‘Touch of Evil’ (1958) and of course ‘Mr. Arkadin” (1955).

Orson Welles has had a lasting impact on cinema and his artistic legacy has been recognized around the world. His bold vision, innovative technique and passion for the art of cinema have influenced successive generations of filmmakers and helped define the contemporary film landscape.

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