No Blade of Grass

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“No Blade of Grass” it’s a post-apocalyptic movie of 1970 directed by Cornel Wilde. The film is based on the 1956 novel “The Death of Grass” by John Christopher.

The plot of the film follows the story of an English family trying to survive in a world ravaged by a deadly plant disease leading to large-scale famine. The family, along with some friends, try to cross England to reach a farm in Scotland where they hope to find a safe haven.

“No Blade of Grasswas seen as a controversial film upon its release, especially for its depiction of human violence and brutality in a post-apocalyptic world. However, the film has had a following of passionate supporters over the years and has been lauded for its emotional strength and its realistic depiction of the apocalypse.

“No Blade of Grass” it’s a science fiction film which offers a pessimistic and frightening vision of the future of humanity and nature. However, its gritty and realistic depiction of a possible apocalypse can provide an important reflection on the fragility of our world and the consequences of our actions.




The plot of “No Blade of Grassfollows the story of the Ransome family, consisting of John (played by Nigel Davenport), his wife Ann (played by Jean Wallace), and their children David (played by John Hamill) and Mary (played by Lynne Frederick). The family lives in an England struck by a terrible disease that kills plants and which has led to large-scale famine.

In a desperate attempt to survive, John decides to flee the city with his family and to a farm in Scotland, owned by his brother-in-law, where he hopes to find refuge. The family is accompanied by a few friends, including Dr. Pirrie (played by Patrick Holt) and the young and rebellious Andy (played by Simon Ward).

On their journey across England, the Ransome family and their companions encounter many hardships and must deal with human violence and brutality in a post-apocalyptic world. They must also defend themselves against the looters and bandits who roam the streets and try to exploit the few remaining resources.

The plot of “No Blade of Grass” offers a dark and frightening vision of the future of humanity and nature, but at the same time highlights the strength of humanity and man’s ability to adapt in extreme situations.

Movie Characters


Here is a list of the main characters from the film “No Blade of Grass”:

  • John Ransome: played by Nigel Davenport, he is the head of the family who tries to protect his family and bring them to safety on the farm in Scotland.
  • Ann Ransome: played by Jean Wallace, is the wife of John and mother of David and Mary.
  • David Ransome: played by John Hamill, he is the eldest son of the Ransome family.
  • Mary Ransome: played by Lynne Frederick, she is the youngest daughter of the Ransome family.
  • Andy: played by Simon Ward, he is a rebellious young man who joins the Ransome family during their journey.
  • Dr. Pirrie: played by Patrick Holt, he is a friend of the Ransome family and a doctor who tries to help people along the way.
  • Roger Burnham: played by Anthony May, he is a former school friend of David who becomes a raider and tries to steal the Ransome family’s supplies.
  • The Chief: played by George Coulouris, he is the leader of a group of marauders who try to attack the farm in Scotland.

There are other secondary characters in the film as well who contribute to the post-apocalyptic atmosphere and narrative tension of the story.




“No Blade of Grass” is a 1970 film directed by Cornel Wilde and produced by Avton Films. The film is based on the 1956 novel “The Death of Grass” by John Christopher.

The film’s production was plagued by a few problems, including financial difficulties and difficulties finding suitable filming locations. Furthermore, the film was made on a relatively low budget and with an unknown cast, apart from Nigel Davenport who was already an established actor.

Despite these difficulties, Wilde managed to create an engaging and realistic film that generated great interest among audiences and critics upon its release.

The film was shot on locations across the UK including London, Hertfordshire, Essex and the Scottish Highlands. The film’s score was composed by Roger Webb and uses mostly wind instruments and percussion to create a dramatic and eerie atmosphere.

In general, the production of “No Blade of Grass” was an ambitious and difficult undertaking, but she managed to create a film that has become a classic of the post-apocalyptic genre and which continues to be enjoyed by an international audience.

Distribution and Reception

“No Blade of Grasswas released in British cinemas in 1970 and in the United States in 1971. The film was met with generally positive reviews, although some critics criticized it for its violence and negative portrayal of humanity.

Despite this, the film was a commercial success, earning over a million pounds in the UK and around $1.5 million in the US.

The performance of the actors, especially that of Nigel Davenport, was especially praised by critics. In addition, the film received numerous awards and accolades, including the Critics Award of the San Sebastián International Film Festival in 1970.

However, the film also attracted some criticism for its violent and sensationalistic depiction of humanity, which some considered excessive and shocking.

All in all, “No Blade of Grasswas regarded as an important and influential film in the post-apocalyptic genre and has continued to be enjoyed by international audiences.


“No Blade of Grass” is a film that features a realistic and documentary style, with a strong emphasis on accurately portraying the aftermath of a global catastrophe.

Cornel Wilde’s direction focuses on the actions of the characters and their struggle for survival, without trying to overemphasize the sci-fi elements of the story.

The film features stark and realistic photography, using mainly gray and brown tones to create an atmosphere of desolation and despair. In addition, the film’s soundtrack is mainly composed of wind instruments and percussion, creating a dramatic and haunting atmosphere.

The film’s dialogue is simple and direct, focused on the immediate needs of the characters and their struggle for survival. The characters are portrayed in a realistic and no-nonsense manner, with their actions being influenced primarily by their needs and survival instincts.

Overall, the film’s style is straightforward and realistic, focusing on accurately portraying the aftermath of a global catastrophe and the characters’ struggle for survival.




“No Blade of Grasswas directed by Cornel Wilde, who also served as a producer and star in the film.

Wilde was a successful actor and director, who began his film career in the 1940s and 1950s, earning his first Academy Award nomination in 1945 for his role in ‘A Song to Remember’. He also directed a number of films, including ˜The Naked Prey’ in 1965 which was a success with both critics and audiences.

Wilde chose to direct”No Blade of Grass” because he loved John Christopher’s novel and felt it could be adapted into an engaging and realistic film. He also wanted to use the film to explore some of his personal concerns regarding the environment and humanity.

Overall, Wilde directed “No Blade of Grass” with a realistic and documentary style, focusing on the accurate description of the consequences of a global catastrophe and the characters’ struggle for survival. He created an engaging and dramatic film that attracted the attention of critics and international audiences.

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