Bride of Frankenstein

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Bride of Frankenstein is a horror movie with elements of the sci-fi cinema directed by James Whale and released in 1935. The film is the sequel to 1931’s Frankenstein and continues the story of the monster created by Dr. Henry Frankenstein.

In the film, Dr. Frankenstein, played by Colin Clive, is persuaded by Dr. Pretorius, played by Ernest Thesiger, to create a mate for the monster, played by Boris Karloff. Meanwhile, the monster, which had apparently perished at the end of the first film, is revived and flees its creator.

Bride of Frankenstein is known for its gothic atmosphere and its combination of horror and comedy. The film also features the first appearance of the character Pretorius, a sinister scientist who becomes an important element of Frankenstein’s monster mythology.

The film is regarded as one of the classics of the horror genre and is often cited as one of the best monster movies ever made. Karloff’s performance as the monster was praised for his ability to express emotion without speaking.

In summary, Bride of Frankenstein is a masterpiece of horror cinema that helped shape the genre and remains an unforgettable classic to this day.



The plot of ‘The Bride of Frankenstein’ takes place immediately after the events of the first film ‘Frankenstein’ from 1931. The film begins with the survival of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster (Boris Karloff) who had survived the fire in the mill.

Meanwhile, Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive), the monster’s creator, is persuaded by the evil Dr. Pretorius (Ernest Thesiger) to resume his experiments and create a mate for the monster.

While Dr. Frankenstein works on creating the monster’s mate, the monster itself prowls the countryside causing terror and panic among the villagers. Meanwhile, Doctor Pretorius collects some corpses to create the body of the monster’s mate.

When the monster’s mate (Elsa Lanchester) is finally created, the monster and his mate meet for the first time. However, the monster’s mate, disgusted by his appearance, refuses to join him and the monster turns to violence. In the ensuing chaos, Frankenstein’s castle is destroyed and the monster and his mate perish.

‘Bride of Frankenstein’ is regarded as a classic of horror cinema due to its combination of horror, comedy and drama, as well as Boris Karloff’s memorable performance as the monster. The film is also known for its gothic atmosphere, its iconic soundtrack and impressive stage designs.



Here are the main characters of “Bride of Frankenstein”:

The Monster (played by Boris Karloff): Monstrous creature created by Dr. Frankenstein, which survived the mill fire and roams the countryside causing terror.

Doctor Henry Frankenstein (played by Colin Clive): The mad scientist who created the Monster and who is persuaded by Doctor Pretorius to resume his experiments to create a mate for the Monster.

Doctor Pretorius (portrayed by Ernest Thesiger): A sinister scientist who prompts Doctor Frankenstein to create a mate for the Monster and who collects corpses for her creation.

Frankenstein’s Wife (played by Elsa Lanchester): The mate that Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Pretorius make for the Monster.

Elizabeth (played by Valerie Hobson): Frankenstein’s girlfriend who tries to make him give up his experiments.

Karl (played by Dwight Frye): Doctor Frankenstein’s assistant who is killed by the Monster.

Maria’s father (played by O.P. Heggie): An elderly hermit who befriends the Monster.

These characters are all instrumental in the development of the film’s plot and theme, and have helped make “The Bride of Frankenstein” a classic of horror cinema.

Film Production


“Bride of Frankenstein” is a 1935 film directed by James Whale and produced by Universal Pictures. The film is the sequel to the famous “Frankenstein” of 1931, which had achieved great success with audiences and critics. Director James Whale had already directed the first film and was highly regarded for his ability to create gothic and eerie atmospheres.

Production of the film began in late 1934 and took place primarily at Universal studios in Hollywood, with some additional filming done in San Francisco. The film’s budget was relatively high for its time, with an estimated cost of about $400,000.

The cast of the film included many well-known actors, such as Boris Karloff, Colin Clive and Ernest Thesiger, who had already played in the first “Frankenstein”. The choice of Elsa Lanchester for the role of the wife of the monster was instead a novelty, even though the actress had already appeared briefly in the film as Mary Shelley.

The film was a great success with audiences and critics, confirming James Whale’s talent as a director of horror films and consolidating the myth of Frankenstein’s monster as one of the most iconic characters in cinema. The film was also acclaimed for its ability to blend horror, comedy and drama in a balanced way and for the memorable performance of the cast.

Distribution and Reception

“Bride of Frankenstein” was released in theaters in the United States on April 25, 1935. The film was a great success with audiences, grossing about 2 million dollars at the box office, an outstanding result for the time. In addition, the film also received excellent reviews from film critics, who especially appreciated James Whale’s direction and Boris Karloff’s performance as the Monster.

The film was praised for its ability to create gothic and eerie atmospheres, but also for its ability to mix elements of horror, comedy and drama in a balanced way. In particular, the scene in which the Monster meets his mate has been considered one of the most beautiful and evocative in the history of cinema.

Despite the great public and critical success, “The wife of Frankenstein” has also undergone some censorships and restrictions in various countries, due to its content being considered too violent and macabre. However, the film continued to influence horror cinema for many years, becoming a classic of the genre and a milestone in the history of cinema.


“Bride of Frankenstein” is considered a masterpiece of horror cinema thanks to the innovative directing style of James Whale. The film is characterized by a gothic and disturbing atmosphere, created through the use of lights and shadows, detailed scenography and an editing that knows how to maintain the rhythm of the narration.

In particular, the film stands out for its ability to mix elements of horror, comedy and drama, creating a complex work of great emotional impact. In fact, the tone of the film passes from terror to irony, from drama to humour, always maintaining a narrative coherence that allows the viewer to be involved in a profound and engaging way.

The film is also characterized by excellent cinematography, which contributes to the gothic and mysterious atmosphere. The colors are saturated and intense, with particular attention to the contrasts between lights and shadows. The scenes are often filmed with unusual shots, which give the film an aura of mystery and suggestion.

Finally, the soundtrack of the film was composed by the famous composer Franz Waxman, who was able to create an evocative and suggestive music, capable of underlining the emotions of the characters and creating constant tension throughout the film. Thanks to all these components, “The wife of Frankenstein” has become a film of great importance in the history of cinema, which has influenced numerous directors and authors of the horror genre.



The director of “Bride of Frankenstein” is James Whale, an English filmmaker known for his ability to tackle horror and fantasy genre themes. Whale was one of the most important directors of Hollywood’s heyday, and was considered a master of visual storytelling.

Whale directed several successful films, including the celebrated 1931 ‘Frankenstein’, which launched the career of Boris Karloff, and 1933’s ‘The Invisible Man’. the maximum of his creativity, creating a complex work of great emotional impact.

Whale knew how to make the most of the possibilities offered by the cinematographic technology of the time, creating a gothic and disturbing atmosphere through the use of lights and shadows, detailed scenography and precise and rhythmic editing. In addition, Whale was able to masterfully direct the actors in the film, in particular Boris Karloff in the role of the Monster and Elsa Lanchester in the role of the Bride of Frankenstein.

Thanks to his skill as a director and his ability to create suggestive and immersive atmospheres, James Whale has become a point of reference for many subsequent horror and fantasy filmmakers, influencing the genre in a lasting and profound way.

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