Silent Night, Bloody Night

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“Silent Night, Bloody Night” is a thriller film and 1972 US horror film, directed by Theodore Gershuny. The film is also known under the title “Night of the Dark Full Moon”. It is considered a classic of the genre of horror 70s slasher and has become a cult movie over the years.

The plot revolves around the Butler mansion, an old abandoned mansion located in a small town called Graymoor. After the wealthy and quirky patriarch of the Butler family dies, the mansion is inherited by a nephew named Jeffrey Butler (played by James Patterson). Jeffrey decides to sell the property, but before doing so, he must solve the mystery surrounding his family and the mansion.

The story takes place during the Christmas season, when Jeffrey comes to town to take care of the family business. However, a series of disturbing events begin to happen. The inhabitants of Graymoor begin to be killed in a brutal way, and the Butler mansion seems to be at the center of these murders. Jeffrey sets out to uncover the truth behind these mysterious deaths, uncovering dark and gruesome secrets tied to his family.

“Silent Night, Bloody Night” features a cast that also includes Mary Woronov, Patrick O’Neal, John Carradine and Walter Abel. The film mixes elements of mystery, horror and psychological thriller, creating an eerie and claustrophobic atmosphere. It is known for its dark cinematography and haunting soundtrack, which contribute to the feeling of tension and suspense.

While initially met with mixed reviews, ‘Silent Night, Bloody Night’ has grown into a cult film over the years, praised for its unique atmosphere and disturbing portrayal of characters. It is considered a forerunner of 1970s slasher films and has influenced subsequent films in the genre.

Although “Silent Night, Bloody Night” did not receive major commercial success at the time of its release, it has become a favorite film among horror fans and continues to be appreciated for its visual style and dark narrative.




The plot of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” revolves around the Butler mansion, an old residence located in the small town of Graymoor. After the wealthy patriarch of the Butler family dies, the mansion is inherited by Jeffrey Butler (played by James Patterson), a nephew of the deceased.

Jeffrey comes to town during the Christmas season to take care of the family business and decides to sell the property. However, a series of disturbing events begins to disrupt the tranquility of the town. The residents of Graymoor are brutally murdered, and the Butler mansion appears to be at the center of these murders.

Jeffrey pledges to uncover the truth behind the mysterious deaths and confront the dark and gruesome secrets attached to his family. During his investigations, he discovers that the mansion has been the scene of terrible events in the past. The Butler family hides a dark secret involving a local asylum and a crazed killer.

As the story unfolds, grisly details are revealed and Jeffrey finds himself embroiled in a spiral of violence and madness. As she tries to survive and solve the mystery, she comes across sinister and devious characters who seem to be harboring even deeper secrets.

The storyline of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” features a series of shocking twists and revelations leading to an intense and frightening climax. The film mixes elements of mystery, psychological horror and suspense to create a gripping and disturbing storyline.

Overall, the plot of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” focuses on Jeffrey Butler’s investigation to uncover the truth behind the murders at the Butler Mansion and face his family’s dark secrets, providing audiences with a psychological horror experience with an eerie and sinister atmosphere.

Movie Characters

Here are some of the main characters from the film “Silent Night, Bloody Night”:

Jeffrey Butler (played by James Patterson): He is the nephew of the patriarch of the Butler family and the protagonist of the film. After inheriting the Butler mansion, she sets out to uncover the truth behind the murders and her family’s dark secrets.

Diane Adams (portrayed by Mary Woronov): She is a resident of Graymoor who helps Jeffrey in his investigation. Diane turns out to be a mysterious and ambiguous character, involved in the dark past of the Butler villa.

John Carter (played by Patrick O’Neal): He is a lawyer assigned to help Jeffrey with the family business. He too finds himself caught up in the disturbing events taking place in Graymoor.

Charlie Towman (played by John Carradine): He is a creepy old man who has lived in Graymoor for many years. He has knowledge of the history of the Butler mansion and provides crucial information to Jeffrey during his investigation.

Mayor Adams (played by Walter Abel): He is the mayor of Graymoor and father of Diane. He is involved in secrets related to the Butler mansion and tries to protect the town’s reputation.

In addition to these main characters, there are other residents of Graymoor and members of the Butler family who also contribute to the plot of the film. The cast also includes other actors and actresses playing minor roles and supporting characters, which add further layers to the story and horror atmosphere of the film.




“Silent Night, Bloody Night” was directed by Theodore Gershuny and produced by Jeffrey Konvitz. The film was shot in 1970 and later released in 1972. It was produced on a relatively small budget.

The film’s production involved several companies and film industry professionals. Executive produced by Lloyd Kaufman, founder of Troma Entertainment. Troma Entertainment is a production company specializing in horror and genre films, and has become known for its focus on the independent cinema.

Director Theodore Gershuny, in addition to directing the film, also co-wrote the screenplay with Jeffrey Konvitz. The story was conceived as an homage to the classic mysteries and psychological thrillers of the 60s. Gershuny tried to create an eerie and claustrophobic atmosphere through the use of photography and setting.

The production worked on a limited budget which resulted in some restrictions in the making of the film. However, the director and production team sought to make the most of the resources at their disposal to create an effective and frightening cinematic experience.

“Silent Night, Bloody Night” was filmed primarily in Westchester County, New York State. The Butler mansion, which serves as the film’s main location, was actually a royal mansion located in the area. The use of an authentic location helped create an authentic and sinister feel to the film.

Despite its modest budget and initial limited distribution, “Silent Night, Bloody Night” became a cult film over the years, appreciated for its visual style and dark narrative. The production of the film made a mark on the 1970s horror genre and helped establish some of the tropes and conventions that would later be developed in slasher films.

Distribution and Reception

“Silent Night, Bloody Night” was released in 1972 in the United States under the title “Night of the Dark Full Moon”. However, the film initially had limited distribution and did not achieve major commercial success upon its release.

Critical reception of the film was mixed. Some critics praised the film’s eerie atmosphere and visual approach, calling it an effective homage to detective stories and psychological thrillers. Others criticized the plot and execution as confusing or incoherent.

Despite the initial lukewarm response, “Silent Night, Bloody Night” has become a cult film over the years, appreciated for its dark atmosphere and unique visual style. He has gained a passionate fan following of the horror genre and independent films.

The film had increased exposure and rediscovery through its home video distribution and television programming. It became a reference title for horror lovers and influenced subsequent films of the genre.

Its reputation has grown over time, with many positive ratings recognizing the film as a cult classic of 1970s horror. Today, “Silent Night, Bloody Night” is considered a cult film for independent horror fans and is often cited as a forerunner of the slasher movies of the following years.

Ultimately, although it didn’t achieve great commercial success at the time of its release, ‘Silent Night, Bloody Night’ has gained a significant fan base over the years and is regarded as an influential film in the horror genre.


The style of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” is characterized by a dark, claustrophobic and creepy atmosphere, which contributes to the feeling of tension and suspense. The film mixes elements of mystery, horror and psychological thriller, offering a visually striking and disturbing experience.

Visually, the film uses dark and gloomy photography to create a gothic atmosphere. The use of chiaroscuro, shadows and soft lighting helps to emphasize the aura of mystery and menace that surrounds the Butler villa and the town of Graymoor.

The soundtrack is another distinctive element of the film’s style. Music and sound effects help build tension and underscore moments of suspense and terror. The soundtrack also features effective use of silence and ambient noises to heighten the eerie atmosphere.

Narratively, the film presents a complex plot that develops through a series of shocking twists and revelations. The public is involved in an attempt to solve the mystery of the murders and the dark secrets linked to the Butler mansion, while the plot unfolds between flashbacks, hidden clues and surprising narrative twists.

The style of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” is influenced by classic Italian thrillers and psychological thrillers of the 60s. The film tries to create a feeling of psychological tension, focusing on the characters’ descent into madness and the revelation of repressed secrets.

Overall, the style of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” is characterized by its dark atmosphere, dark cinematography, evocative soundtrack, and intricate storyline that drives the audience to a frightening climax. These elements help make the film a visually and narratively immersive experience in the realm of 1970s psychological horror.



The director of “Silent Night, Bloody Night” is Theodore Gershuny. Theodore Gershuny is an American director and screenwriter who has worked primarily in independent cinema. He has directed several films throughout his career, spanning various genres, including horror, thriller and dramatic.

Born April 6, 1933 in New York City, Gershuny was educated at Columbia University, where he majored in fine arts. After his studies, he entered the film business and directed his first feature film, “The Projectionist”, in 1970.

“Silent Night, Bloody Night” was one of Gershuny’s best-known films. He directed the film in 1970, but it wasn’t released until 1972. The film has become a cult movie over the years, appreciated for its visual style and dark narrative.

Gershuny continued to work in independent cinema and directed other films throughout his career, including ‘Sugar Cookies’ (1973), ‘The Mad Bomber’ (1973) and ‘Fingers’ (1978). He also worked as a film teacher and helped train young filmmakers.

Though he didn’t become a major filmmaker, Theodore Gershuny left his mark on the world of 1970s independent cinema. His work, including “Silent Night, Bloody Night,” has been appreciated for its creativity, unique style, and ability to create atmospheric atmospheres.

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