The Hands of Orlac

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“The Hands of Orlac” it’s a classic horror movie and thriller originally released in 1924, directed by Robert Wiene. The story is based on the novel “Les Mains d’Orlac” by Maurice Renard, published in 1920.

The film follows a famous concert pianist named Paul Orlac (played by Conrad Veidt), who loses his hands in a terrible accident. A surgeon named Dr. Serral (played by Hans Homma) offers to transplant the hands of an executed assassin onto Orlac’s arms. After the surgery, Orlac’s new hands begin to take on a life of their own, causing him to increase mental instability and paranoia.

As the story unfolds, Orlac’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic, and he begins to suspect that his hands are driving him to terrible deeds. He becomes convinced that the hands are those of the killer and is now possessed by the killer’s evil spirit. Orlac’s wife (played by Alexandra Sorina) tries to help him, but she too begins to fear for her safety as her husband’s madness deepens.

“The Hands of Orlac” is considered a classic of the horror genre and thriller, and has been redone several times over the years. The film is notable for its expressionist cinematography, which creates an eerie and surreal atmosphere. Additionally, it features a standout performance by Conrad Veidt, who brings a sense of tortured intensity to his portrayal of Orlac. In general, “The Hands of Orlacis a haunting and suspenseful film that remains a classic of early horror cinema.




The plot of the filmThe Hands of Orlacfollows famed concert pianist Paul Orlac (Conrad Veidt), who loses both of his hands in a train crash. After the accident, Dr. Serral (Hans Homma), a transplant surgeon, offers Orlac an option to have new hands.However, the available hands are those of Vasseur, an executed assassin.

After the operation, Orlac realizes that his hands are not normal. They begin to act strangely and move on their own, creating a feeling of panic and dread in him. Furthermore, Orlac begins to suspect that the hands have a mind of their own and are still capable of evil deeds like the murderer they once belonged to.

With the help of his girlfriend Louise (Alexandra Sorina), Orlac tries to convince Serral to remove his hands and replace them with those of another donor. Meanwhile, the police are investigating a series of murders that appear to have been committed by the same killer whose hands Orlac belonged to.

Orlac begins hallucinating, convinced he is possessed by the hands of the assassin. He comes close to insanity and even tries to kill Louise. Eventually, Orlac discovers that his hands are not those of the killer, but his fears and paranoia led to his downfall.

Movie Characters


Here are the main characters of the film “The Hands of Orlac”:

Paul Orlac: The protagonist of the film, he is a famous concert pianist who loses his hands in a train accident.

Louise Orlac: Paul’s wife, who tries to help her husband overcome his paranoia.

Doctor Serral: A transplant surgeon, who offers Orlac the option of having new hands.

Vasseur: The executed assassin whose hands are transplanted to Orlac.

Yvonne: Vasseur’s daughter, who becomes Orlac’s mistress.

Herr Strang: A friend of Orlac, who tries to help the pianist with his hand problem.

Regine: A cabaret singer and Orlac’s old flame, who attempts to blackmail him.

Rosner: A private detective investigating the murders committed by the killer whose hands Orlac belonged to.

The Police Commissioner: The police officer in charge of the homicide investigation.

The Maid: Orlac’s house assistant.




The film “The Hands of Orlac” is a 1924 German film production, directed by Robert Wiene and based on the French novel “Les Mains d’Orlac” by Maurice Renard. The screenplay was written by Louis Nerz and Hans Janowitz.

The film was produced by Wiene-Film GmbH and distributed by UFA. Filming was done at the UFA studios in Neubabelsberg, Germany.

The lead role of Paul Orlac was played by Conrad Veidt, a German actor famous for his performances in films such as ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ and ‘The Cat and the Violin’. Other actors include Alexandra Sorina as Louise Orlac, Fritz Strassny as Herr Strang, and Carmen Cartellieri as Yvonne.

The film was highly successful in its time and helped solidify Wiene’s reputation as one of the most important directors of German Expressionist cinema. It has inspired numerous film remakes and adaptations around the world.

Distribution and Reception

The film “The Hands of Orlacwas first released in Germany on March 6, 1924. It received strong attention from critics and audiences, who lauded it for its visual innovation and intriguing storyline.

The film was exported to other countries, where it was also very successful abroad. For example, in France the film was released as “Les Mains d’Orlac” and was also well received by French audiences.

Conrad Veidt’s performance as Paul Orlac was critically acclaimed. His talent for portraying tormented and complex characters helped make the film a cornerstone of German Expressionist cinema.

“The Hands of Orlac” is considered today a classic of silent cinema and one of Wiene’s best films. His influence can be seen in numerous remakes and film adaptations, including “Mad Love” (1935), “The Beast with Five Fingers” (1946) , and “The Hands of Orlac” (1960).


“The Hands of Orlac” is a German Expressionist film, a cinematographic movement that developed in the 1920s in Germany. The Expressionist style is characterized by the stylized representation of reality, the use of plays of light and shadow, and attention to the psychological aspect of the characters.

The film uses numerous expressionist elements to create a dark and eerie atmosphere. For example, the night scenes are represented with strong contrasts between light and shadow, while the interiors are characterized by a surreal and unrealistic architecture.

Furthermore, the film explores the identity and psychology of the protagonist through the use of symbolic images and visual metaphors. Orlac’s transplanted hands are represented as alien and disturbing creatures, a symbol of the protagonist’s inner conflict and his sense of estrangement from the world.

Finally, the film uses innovative editing techniques and music to underline the psychological and dramatic aspect of the narrative. This expressionist style has influenced many subsequent filmmakers, including Alfred Hitchcock, which has taken up some of the stylistic elements of “The Hands of Orlac” in his films.

Hidden Meanings

Like many expressionist films, “The Hands of Orlac” lends itself to different interpretations and has numerous hidden meanings.

One of the main themes of the film is the struggle between rationality and irrationality, between science and superstition. Paul Orlac represents the modern man, rational and scientific, who seeks to control the world through reason. However, the arrival of the criminal’s hands brings out irrationality and superstition, represented by his fears and hallucinations.

Furthermore, the film also explores the theme of the identity and duality of the human being. Orlac’s transplanted hands represent an entity alien and independent of his body, causing him to doubt his own identity. This theme was taken up in many other subsequent films, such as Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Woman Who Lived Twice”.

Finally, the film also deals with the theme of fate and defeat. Orlac seems destined to be a victim of his own paranoia and fears, which lead to his downfall. His despair and sense of helplessness are symbols of the human struggle against the inescapable forces of fate.

In general, “The Hands of Orlac” is a film rich in symbolism and hidden meanings, which lends itself to numerous interpretations and which has influenced many subsequent directors.



Robert Wiene was a German director, active during the 1920s. He is famous for having been a leading exponent of the German Expressionist movement, which influenced European cinema in the 1920s and 1930s.

Wiene directed several successful expressionist films, including “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” (1920), “Raskolnikoff” (1923), and precisely “The Hands of Orlac” (1924). His films are characterized by the use of strong visual stylization, the attention to the psychological aspect of the characters, and the representation of a disturbing and surreal world.

“The Hands of Orlacis considered one of Wiene’s best films, as well as one of the masterpieces of German Expressionist cinema. The film influenced a number of later directors, such as Alfred Hitchcock, who incorporated some of Wiene’s stylistic elements into his films.

After the 1920s, Wiene continued to work in film but never achieved the same success as his earlier films. He has directed several genre films, including some horror films, but he has never managed to replicate the success of “The cabinet of Dr. Caligari” or “The Hands of Orlac”.

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