Alessandro Blasetti

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Alessandro Blasetti is a name synonymous with the golden age of Italian cinema. He was an influential film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor who played a pivotal role in shaping the development of Italian cinema. Born in Rome in 1900, Blasetti’s passion for film led him to pursue a career in the industry despite initially studying law at the University of Rome. He made his directorial debut in 1920 with the short film Resurrection, which marked the beginning of his successful career in cinema. In this article, we will explore the life and work of Alessandro Blasetti, his contribution to Italian cinema, and his lasting impact on the industry.

Early Life and Career Beginnings


Childhood and Education

Alessandro Blasetti was born on July 3, 1900, in Rome, Italy. He grew up in a middle-class family and had a keen interest in literature and theater from a young age. Blasetti’s father was an industrialist, and his mother was an opera singer. As a child, he often accompanied his mother to her performances, which sparked his interest in the performing arts. Despite his love for theater, Blasetti pursued a legal education at the University of Rome after completing his primary and secondary education.

Transition to Cinema

Although Blasetti studied law, his true passion was for cinema. In 1920, he decided to follow his dream and make a career in the film industry. He began working as a journalist and film critic for various newspapers and magazines, including Il Tempo and La Tribuna Illustrata. This allowed him to gain an in-depth understanding of the industry and its techniques, laying the foundation for his future success as a filmmaker. During this time, he also wrote several screenplays and collaborated with other filmmakers, further honing his skills.

In 1921, Blasetti wrote and directed his first film, Sun (Sole), which was an adaptation of the novel by Gabriele D’Annunzio. The film was met with critical acclaim and became a box office success. It also earned him recognition as a talented filmmaker and opened doors for future opportunities in the industry. Over the next few years, Blasetti continued to write and direct films, including Mother Earth (Terra Madre) in 1922 and The City of Glass (La Città di Vetro) in 1923.

Achievements and Contributions to Italian Cinema


Realism and Social Commentary

Alessandro Blasetti’s films were known for their realism and social commentary on the issues facing Italian society at the time. He tackled topics such as poverty, injustice, and the struggles of the working class, shedding light on the harsh realities of life in Italy. His films were not only entertaining but also served as a reflection of the social and cultural climate of the country. This approach made Blasetti one of the most influential directors of Italian neorealism, a movement that aimed to portray real-life situations and characters on screen.

One of Blasetti’s notable works that exemplifies his use of realism and social commentary is the film 1860 (I Grandi Magazzini). Released in 1934, the film tells the story of the struggles of the working class and their fight to improve their living conditions. It also sheds light on the economic disparities between the rich and the poor in Italy during that period. The film was a commercial success and received widespread critical acclaim, solidifying Blasetti’s reputation as a master storyteller who was unafraid to tackle societal issues.

Technical Innovation

Blasetti was not only known for his storytelling abilities but also for his innovative use of cinematic techniques. He was one of the first directors in Italy to experiment with sound and color, using them to enhance the visual and emotional impact of his films. In 1934, he directed The Iron Crown (La Corona di Ferro), a historical drama that utilized Technicolor, making it one of the earliest Italian films to do so. Blasetti’s use of color added a new dimension to the film, making it visually striking and earning him critical acclaim for his technical innovation.

Another aspect of Blasetti’s work that showcased his technical prowess was his ability to seamlessly blend documentary-like footage with scripted scenes. This technique can be seen in his film Un’Avventura di Salvator Rosa (An Adventure of Salvator Rosa) released in 1939. The film is based on the life of the famous Italian painter Salvator Rosa, and it incorporates actual locations, events, and characters from history, allowing audiences to experience a sense of realism while watching the film. This style of filmmaking was not common at the time, making Blasetti an innovator in the industry.

Promoting Italian Culture

Alessandro Blasetti was not only a filmmaker but also a cultural ambassador for Italy. He was passionate about promoting the country’s culture, traditions, and history through his films. In 1926, he directed the film The Conquest of Rome (La Conquista di Roma), which tells the story of the city’s origins and its growth under the Roman Empire. The film earned praise for its accurate depiction of ancient Rome and its historical significance. Blasetti’s work helped to showcase Italy’s heritage and contributed to the preservation of the country’s cultural identity.

Impact on the Film Industry


Influence on Future Filmmakers

Blasetti’s contributions to Italian cinema were immense, and his work influenced many future filmmakers. His use of neorealism, social commentary, and technical innovation inspired a new generation of directors who would go on to shape the industry. Filmmakers such as Roberto Rossellini, Federico Fellini, and Luchino Visconti were all influenced by Blasetti’s work and considered him a mentor. This influence can be seen in their films, which also incorporate similar themes and techniques.

Founding the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

During World War II, Blasetti was forced to stop making films. However, he continued to work in the film industry, and in 1935, he co-founded the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Experimental Film Center) with Luigi Freddi and other prominent figures in the Italian film industry. The film school aimed to provide a comprehensive education in all aspects of filmmaking, including directing, screenwriting, editing, and cinematography. It played a significant role in training future filmmakers and was responsible for producing many of Italy’s most famous directors, including Michelangelo Antonioni and Vittorio De Sica.

Post-War Career

After the war, Blasetti returned to directing and made several important films that further cemented his place in Italian cinema history. In 1945, he directed Rome, Open City (Roma Città Aperta), a groundbreaking neorealist film that depicted life in Rome during the Nazi occupation. The film is considered one of the first Italian neorealist films and is credited with kickstarting the movement. It won numerous awards and gained international recognition, solidifying Blasetti’s status as a master filmmaker.

In the years that followed, Blasetti directed several successful films, including Fabiola in 1949 and Altri Tempi in 1952. His work continued to receive critical acclaim, and he remained an influential figure in the Italian film industry until his retirement in the mid-1960s. Blasetti passed away in 1987 at the age of 86, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire filmmakers to this day.

Alessandro Blasetti: A Pioneer of Italian Cinema

Alessandro Blasetti’s contributions to Italian cinema cannot be understated. He was a pioneer in many aspects, from his use of neorealism and social commentary to his technical innovations and promotion of Italian culture. His work not only entertained but also served as a reflection of society, making him an influential figure in shaping the development of Italian cinema. His impact can still be felt today, with many contemporary filmmakers citing him as a source of inspiration. Blasetti’s films continue to be celebrated and admired, solidifying his place as one of the most important figures in the history of Italian cinema.


Sole (1929)

  • Genre: Silent film
  • Plot: A young woman’s struggle to survive in a poor fishing village in southern Italy.

Nerone (1930)

  • Genre: Epic film
  • Plot: About the unpredictable Emperor Nero and his notorious rule and excesses.

Terra madre (1931)

  • Genre: Drama film
  • Plot: On the hardship and struggles of peasants in Tuscany.

Resurrectio (1931)

  • Genre: Drama film
  • Plot: A story of a son who returns from the dead as a cripple and becomes a painter.

Palio (1932)

  • Genre: Documentary film
  • Plot: About the famous horse race held in Siena.

La tavola dei poveri (1932)

  • Genre: Drama film
  • Plot: About a poor family dealing with poverty and struggling to survive.

Il caso Haller (1933)

  • Genre: Crime film
  • Plot: Two men on trial for murder and a court case.

1860 (1934)

  • Genre: Historical film
  • Plot: About Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Expedition of the Thousand.

L’impiegata di papà (1934)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: A story about a secretary who falls in love with her boss.

Vecchia guardia (1934)

  • Genre: War film
  • Plot: About Italian soldiers during World War I.

Aldebaran (1935)

Contessa di Parma (1937)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: The story of a young noblewoman and her marriage to a cruel nobleman called Ranuccio Farnese.

Ettore Fieramosca (1938)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: The story of Italian knight Ettore Fieramosca fighting to defend Italy against the French.

Retroscena (1939)

  • Genre: Drama film
  • Plot: A story of behind-the-scenes dynamics in a film industry full of gossip.

Un’avventura di Salvator Rosa (1939)

  • Genre: Adventure film
  • Plot: A thief, Salvator Rosa, is wrongly accused of murder and must flee.

La corona di ferro (1941)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: A prisoner of war chosen to write the biography of Napoleon.

La cena delle beffe (1942)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: Set in the Italian Renaissance, it involves a plot for revenge.

4 passi fra le nuvole (1942)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: The misadventures of a group of Italian civilians during World War II.

Nessuno torna indietro (1943)

  • Genre: War film
  • Plot: A group of young men are sent to fight in the war and must face the harsh realities of combat.

Un giorno nella vita (1946)

  • Genre: Documentary film
  • Plot: Follows a typical day in the life of various individuals and events across the world.

Fabiola (1949)

  • Genre: Biblical epic film
  • Plot: A story of a young woman in early Rome wrestling with issues of love, sacrifice, and martyrdom.

Prima comunione (1950)

  • Genre: Drama film
  • Plot: Explores the significance of the first communion in Catholic tradition.

Altri tempi – Zibaldone n. 1 (1952)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: A series of amusing vignettes and anecdotes about life in Italy.

La fiammata (1952)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: About a love story and rivalry set during the French occupation of Italy.

Tempi nostri – Zibaldone n. 2 (1954)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: Another series of comedic sketches on contemporary life in Italy.

Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: A con man tries to pass himself off as a respectable English lord.

La fortuna di essere donna (1956)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: Five women search for love in Rome.

Amore e chiacchiere (1957)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: A story of a husband and wife trying to understand each other.

Europa di notte (1958)

  • Genre: Documentary film
  • Plot: A look at nightlife in major European cities.

Io amo, tu ami… (1961)

  • Genre: Documentary film
  • Plot: About the various ways love is expressed in different cultures.

I due nemici (1961)

  • Genre: Biographical documentary film
  • Plot: Recounts the stories of two Italian leaders in the 19th century.

Le quattro verità (1962)

  • Genre: Comedy anthology film
  • Plot: Four comedic stories directed by different filmmakers. Blasetti directs the segment “La lepre e la tartaruga.”

Liolà (1963)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: A play about a young man falling in love with the wrong girl.

Io, io, io… e gli altri (1966)

  • Genre: Comedy film
  • Plot: Various characters reflect on their lives, relationships, and desires.

La ragazza del bersagliere (1967)

  • Genre: Musical comedy
  • Plot: A love story between an army recruit and a young woman who lives in the same town.

Simon Bolivar (1969)

  • Genre: Historical drama film
  • Plot: Recounts the life and accomplishments of South American revolutionary leader Simón Bolívar.
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